Turnaround Management & Lender Services

For Lenders

Commercial Loan Due Diligence

Due Diligence.  Informed lending decisions are based on financial facts and a concise understanding of a debtor’s particular circumstances.  Jonathan Consulting (JCLLC) incorporates many years of experience working with marginal or troubled situations. In all work, consistency, confidentiality, objectivity, and timeliness are observed.

Due diligence is especially important for new loans that bear above average risk, or for existing loans that require a higher level of monitoring, or for loans that have a high degree of reliance on working capital assets. Due Diligence services include:

Other lender services include:

  • Commercial loan workout. JCLLC has many years of experience working in commercial loan workout groups and is adept at utilizing all the available tools to minimize credit losses. These include basic restructuring strategies, judicial and Article 9 strategies, note sales and refinancing. JCLLC will work with your institution to organize the workout process, establish strategies for each of the troubled assets, then execute and monitor progress for each commercial lending relationships.

  • Acquisition due diligence. If your institution is in the process of acquiring another, JCLLC provides the due diligence acumen to review the seller’s commercial loan assets and provide valuation inputs.

  • Asset inspections and confirmations (floor plans and inventory confirmations).

  • Receivership support including DIP and receivership budgets, thirteen week cash budgets, on-site management.

  • Liquidation of assets - going concern or breakup.

Collateral exams for traditional commercial loans as well as asset-based facilities.

  • Limited Scope exams for community banks and lower risk situations.

  • Full Scope exams for asset based lenders, troubled situations, etc.

  • Exam procedures can be modified to fit the needs and circumstances of the lender and borrower.

  • A lenders exam is especially useful for lenders in acquisition financing. Often, problems are identified resulting in purchase price reduction for the buyer and a more comfortable risk profile for the lender.